
  • Gender:Male and Female
  • Age:5 months
  • Living with children:I can live with older children and teenagers
  • Breeds:Short-Hair
  • Indoor/Outdoor:Outdoor
  • Living with dogs:I might be able to live with dogs
  • Living with cats:I might be able to live with other cats

This cute little trio were found dumped in a box, they were in quite a state with gunky eyes and they were quite scared of people.

With some TLC they quickly recovered, and with the patience of their foster carers they have become much more social and love a fuss, though they can still be skittish.

These guys need a special owner who can help them to grow in confidence by letting the kittens be in control of all interactions and taking things at their own pace.

These guys love each other and would ideally be adopted in pairs and any single kitten would do best in a home with another cat or potentially a cat friendly dog.

They would probably enjoy access to the outdoors when they are a bit older.

Supplies needed: