The Sheffield Cats Shelter has been open since 1897, and in our 125 year history we’ve had one overriding aim: helping cats in need. In that time we’ve rehomed tens of thousands of cats, helping them find new homes and better lives.
In recent months it’s become increasingly clear that we need to help another important group too: cat owners in need. Cats and kittens come to us for many different reasons, but more and more rehoming requests are because the owner, through no fault of their own, simply can’t afford to look after their pets any longer.
The cost of living crisis is here, and it isn’t going away anytime soon. Increasing heating, fuel and food costs are leaving many people with very little money to feed their pets or pay vet bills, and they’re then faced with heartbreaking decisions about what to do with their cats or dogs.
Where possible we’d like cats to stay with their owners, as long as the’re in a safe and loving environment. That’s why in recent months we’ve been discussing ways we can help cat owners who are facing difficult decisions because of finances. We’ll have more news on other plans in due course, but for now we would like to support pet food banks.
Pet food banks allow cat and dog owners to collect pet food and other items at no cost to themselves. Every little helps, especially at this time of year, so we’d like to draw your attention to two pet food bank operators in the Sheffield area.
Your Pet Food Bank:
Blue Cross food bank: