Leaving A Gift In Your Will To The Sheffield Cats Shelter
The Sheffield Cats Shelter has been helping cats in need since 1897, and we couldn’t do it without the help of supporters like you.

By leaving us a gift in your Will you give a legacy of love that will help cats and kittens now and in the years to come. Your gift, however large or small, can make a big difference and it will allow us to continue to help cats find new homes and better lives.
Our costs are rising year on year, but gifts left to us in Wills allow The Sheffield Cats Shelter to follow our proud pledge: we never put a healthy cat down, and we never give up on a cat.
How To Remember Us In Your Will
Remembering The Sheffield Cats Shelter in your Will after you’ve provided for those closest to you is a great way to express your love of cats, and to ensure that cats in our shelter continue to get all the help and support they need. Leaving us a gift in your Will is easy to do, and it needn’t cost you a penny.
We’ve partnered with Free Wills to allow you to write a Will at no cost, and this means that you can leave all or part of your estate as a gift to The Sheffield Cats Shelter. For more details of this service, head to freewills.co.uk/charity/sheffieldcats. You can make your personalised Will online in three simple steps, from the comfort of your own home and with live support from their Will specialists.
You can also leave us a gift in your Will by using a solicitor of your choice, or remember us by adding a codicil to an already existing Will. Please pass on the following wording to your solicitor or legal professional: “I give x% share of the residue of my estate to The Sheffield Cats Shelter (Registered Charity Number:1172162 ), 1 Travis Place, Broomhall, Sheffield S10 2DB, for its general charitable purposes and I direct that the receipt of the Treasurer or proper officer shall be a valid and appropriate form of discharge.”
You can find more details on how to leave a gift in your Will to The Sheffield Cats Shelter by downloading our free guide to Leaving A Gift In Your Will To The Sheffield Cats Shelter or you can call us on 0114 272 4441. Alternatively, please email us on info@sheffieldcats.org.uk to request a paper copy of our simple guide to leaving a gift in your Will.
Changing Cats Lives For Good
Leaving us a gift in your Will can make all the difference for cats like Benny here. He was brought to us after being found trapped in chicken wire. Sadly the veterinary surgeon had no choice but to amputate one of Benny’s legs, but with time and love we nursed him back to full health and he is now happy and healthy in a forever home.

Benny’s case alone cost us a four figure sum in vet bills and medicine, but we think it was worth every penny. Gifts left in Wills to The Sheffield Cats Shelter help us help cats like Benny and many others, and every gift counts – just 1% of your estate could make an incredible difference. If you’re thinking of remembering us in your Will, thank you – from Benny and all at the Sheffield Cats Shelter!