The Sheffield Cats Shelter is a local, independent charity, and that means we’re dependent upon the generosity and donations of our cat loving supporters. That’s why we’re always looking for fun and innovative ways to raise funds for our charity and our cats – which is how Feline Fest was born.
Feline Fest was our very own music event, hosted by The Harley on the afternoon and evening of Saturday, 20th May. Nine eclectic and wonderful acts took part, all donating their time and talent for our charity, so there really was something to suit all tastes. We’d like to put on record how grateful we are to the nine acts who made our music event possible: Kathryn Walker, Fir, My Lo-Fi Heart, May Days In Barcelona, Rogue Division, The Thrifts, Adam Heyes and Tommy Jones, and The Mother Of Crows.

We’d also like to thank The Harley on Glossop Road and all their crew, especially Beth, Izzy and Dan. They donated their venue, time and expertise to us completely free of charge, and we couldn’t have done it without them. Finally, thanks to all who came along or who donated online – it was certainly worth doing, and we’ll hope to host another music festival for our kitties next year as well! In the meantime, you can still support our cats by texting LOVED 3 to 70085 to make a donation of £3. Thank you!