Raise Money This Summer For The Sheffield Cats Shelter!

Would you like to raise money for our cats and kittens this summer? Here are just some of the ways you can help our special kitties:

  • Bake cakes and sell them
  • Do a sponsored silence
  • Craft or paint pictures
  • Take part in our colour-a-kitty competition
  • Do a sponsored walk or run with a parent or guardian
  • Raise money by washing cars
  • Enter our cat colouring competition!

You can download  a sponsorship form to help you raise money here. Once you’ve completed your fundraising fun and collected your money simply ask a parent or guardian to email info@sheffieldcats.org.uk for details of how to send the money to us.

Or you can ask a parent to set up your very own JustGiving page! Just head to https://www.justgiving.com/sheffieldcatsshelter and click on the ‘Fundraise For Us’ button.

All of our summer fundraisers will receive a paw-some certificate featuring our lovely kitty Dolly!

Download Your Summer Fundraising Pack Here!

Want to set up a fundraising page so everyone can track your progress?

Its easy with Just Giving


If you love cats and love colouring then why not enter our cat colouring competition?!

Just print out the image below then colour them in any colour that appeals to you – perhaps you would like to add some whiskers or a colourful background as well?

Once completed, get your parent or guardian to take it to one of our shops at Hillsborough Barracks or Ecclesall Road. Entry costs just £1, and you could a very special prize: name a cat, and get to meet them in our shelter!

Donate Your Old Toys To Help Our Cats And Kittens

Did you know that your old toys can make a real difference to the cats and kittens in our shelter?

Simply ask a parent to bring them to one of our charity shops on Ecclesall Road or Hillsborough Barracks, and we can then use them to raise money to feed and look after our kitties. It’s a great way to recycle your old, unwanted toys and do a great thing for cats at the same time!