We’ve been helping cats for 126 years, but that doesn’t mean we’re stuck in the past. We’re always open to new ideas and new ways to raise funds for our cats and kittens. That’s why we held our very first charity fashion show last Saturday – and we’re pleased to say it was a big success!
A good time was had by all, whether they were taking to the Kitty Catwalk or in the audience! We’d like to thank everyone who came along or who donated online. Special thanks must go to Kelly Buddery BEM and Ponds Forge who arranged for us to use the Skyline Suite free of charge; to our patron Frankie Seaman who did so much to make the event a success; to volunteer teams from Aviva and HSBC who helped with our planning and preparation; to the Suit Works who were also represented at the show, and to their model Sheyda who won the judges’ prize!
We plan on holding another fashion show next year, so keep your eyes peeled!